Monday, October 29, 2012


There is a picture going around that some look at it as controversial. Its a gay marine coming home to his loved one and kissing him. This marine was deployed. Now, before you throw in religion and ITS A SIN. Let me tell you, yes the bible does say homosexuality is wrong, but it also states, judging, hating and all that is also wrong. So, either the bible is hypocritical(it has been rewritten so many times who is to say the version we have is the correct one?), or people are picking and choosing what verses to accept. I believe in God, heaven, hell all that. I am not practicing religion, just common sense and good judgement. As should everyone. That's basically what the bible is saying. And if you commit a sin, just don't repeat the sin. Learn your lesson from your bad judgements. That's what the bible is saying.

So, if a homosexual has deen to war and fought for his country, why cannot he be happy with a man? All this picture shows is a man and a man kissing. My children have practically seen couples dry humping in public and that is better because its a man and a woman? Really? I am about to do a side by side photo of this and I want you to tell me what's so wrong with it. Do not point out the man on man kissing. See if you can find any other flaws...

So can you tell me what is wrong with this picture? On the left, did you know the couple did not even know each other. He just walked up and kissed her. The couple on the right have known each other for 4 years. Honestly, I say the picture on the right is more in the wrong because the man did not know this woman. He just walked up and kissed her. Hmm... makes you wonder right?
The comments they are recieving because of this photo is against the bible. So, therefore, people are picking and choosing what verses to live by and not only that, they are also tweaking them to their preference. But yet this very incident is wrong and unjust?
I am for people's rights. You want to be gay, BE GAY! Love your loved one and carry on. As long as you do not dry hump in public. Many also find it so hot and being turned on by lesbian kissing and making out and all that, but yet one loving kiss between a couple is gross and disgusting?
What are your views?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

*~* Friends *~*

I have a friend whom I have never met. She owns a blog as well(I have her down at the bottom, well her page lol) and she will know who I am talking about. She has a problem. I don't want to share details, as its not me. But I wanted her to know, she is a beautiful person. Inside and out. We have known each other for quite a few years. I value her friendship so much! She is so smart, creative, opinionated, funny, and just a good person to have a talk with. She is busy with 3 kids(2 of which are in school) and just all around the mommy/wife things. Like most of us are. But the exceptional thing about her is, she is involved with the PTO. I refuse. My PTO is full of those Suzy Homemaker, Martha Stewart types. I love Suzy Homemaker. Martha Stewart scares me lmao. But she is awesome!

I wanted you to know this! Her blog is Mommy Chronicles! Check her out! She is an awesome person and her blog is great!

I love you and hope to meet you in real life soon and you are one awesome person!!

Do you guys have that one friend? Or even more?!

~*~Kids TV Shows~*~

I am taking another break lol. I need to, my back is doing some serious painful things right now. So as I sit here, thinking, trying to redefine the blog here, my kids are watching Dora the Explorer. I don't mind a little TV during the day. My TV is constantly on, but that doesn't mean they watch it all the time. I just like the sound of it. Anyways, I am thinking of all cartoons they watch and I'm thinking the writers/producers of these shows must be idiots. And let me explain:

Dora-Her parents let her run wild with animals, and go to strange places and be in danger and don't even care.

Max and Ruby-Abanoned by parents!! I don't ever remember reading about rabbits just leaving their young behind. I thought rabbits stuck with them???

Umizoomi-Teaches math, got it. But when a child needs to earn money to buy something, they jump in and help. What exactly is that teaching the child? That, yes helping is nice and good and you should always help, but also, when you want to earn money just ask for help and expect all proceeds go to you! Not split up the money even though they helped you.

Yo gabba gabba-Hey lets make a show about crazy colors, music, cartoons and creatures so when they kids get older it will make them think drugs are COOL! Ok, not exactly, but come on, this show makes it look like an acid trip.

Diego-Same thing as Dora.

This is just some of the shows my kids watch. We also watch Disney Junior and Little Einsteins is just like Dora and Diego. But I like a majority of the shows on Disney Junior.

I can almost guarantee tell what you're thinking. WELL HAVE THEM WATCH THAT AND NOT NICKJR. First, disney junior doesnt stay on that long(time zones suck) and the kids like nickjr. Its our job as parents to teach our kids right from wrong. Yes I get all this, this post was just a little joke.

Have some of your own?

:( Bullying :(

Bullying is a topic we all deal with and face. Whether you have kids or not. There is some type of bullying we have dealt with. I read an article which is here : Class Spitters. If you don't take the time to read I will just paraphrase for you. Its about how a boy (9 years old) was blowing raspberries. The teacher did not approve and scolded him. She then proceeded to tell the class to circle around him and take turns spitting on him. I actually had to deal with this last week. I seen 6 kids holding down 1 boy and was taking turns spitting on him. I yelled at them to stop, but who is to say I stopped them for the days to follow? Or weeks? And because it was off campus I had to involve the police and because they did not witness it, they can not do anything about it. So this little boy is feeling like its ok to bully other kids and so the trait is learned.

I believe bullying is a trait that is learned. And if you look up statistics it is more than 75% learned in the home of the child/ren. Whether the child is bullied, one parent is bullied by the other, or both parents bully each other. The child is learning this trait. And because of this one incident, this little boy is now left with feelings ranging from anger, upset, confusion, and lost. This is not acceptable. The police should of investigated it. But they did not want to take their time to come out. And the worst part about the police, there were 2 on crosswalk duty for the school at one location and 1 other police at the other crosswalk. How sad that 1 person could not come their spots to investigate what was going on.

I feel sorry my childrens generation as they get older. Sooner or later being grounded will be considered abuse. Im not saying spanking is always the answer, especially dealing with bullies. But another approach. And parents are now being too lazy to step up and talk with their children. Now, I know alot of kids won't talk to their parents. They come straight home and walk into their house and go straight to their rooms. Thats when the parent/s should walk upstairs and force a talk. If the child doesn't want to talk fine, they can listen. And before you say WELL I DON'T WANT TO FORCE A RELATIONSHIP WITH MY CHILD/REN. Just think, this bully could be your child. And your child go grow up and be responsible for the death of another or theirselves. Think about this for a moment...