Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Self Images

I am big on being who you are and happy with who you are and what you look like. I seen an article on the HUMAN BARBIE. She is from Ukraine. Her name is Valeria Lukyanova. She does look like Barbie.

No this is not a doll. This is her. She had all this done to perfect her body. And this is why people now a days suffer from eating disorders, self esteem issues, drug addiction, different men/women. I'm not saying that this is the only reason why people struggle with these problems, but this is a huge reason. Women and men perfecting their bodies because of how society wants us to look. Music videos, actors/actresses, and the way we are raised and taught is how we pick our mates. People say I CHOOSE MY OWN MATE. If your father was dating a certain type of woman, you would follow in that path. Young girls want someone like their fathers. Young men want someone like their mothers. It's all in how your parents raise you. It's all in how you allow society to control that much of you.

It's not right that we, as people, believe that unless we are perfect, no one will love us. It's not true. To find love, you must love yourself. And I honestly hope that our society will change the perception on this. I hope you as a parent, or when you become one, that you will teach your child, societies views are not the ones to follow. And that you teach your child that the values he/she should follow and respect are the ones that include morality, honesty, and love no matter the size, look, color, supermodel or not, athletic type or not. Teach your children that society has a twisted way of looking at images, and how people should be.

Monday, November 12, 2012


I am trying to limit my snacking. I will snack and not eat. I have so far, not succeded. I bought a pecan pie for Thanksgiving. So yummy. I love pumpkin pie more, but pecan pie is so good.
So the other night, I go into my kitchen to find a yummy snack. I am looking and nothing. I open my freezer. And a light comes on, I think I hear angels singing and the light is shining on the pie. Ok the light comes on when I open the door, and the pie is right under the light. But with my snack hunger intensifying, this is what I saw. I tell myself NO. It's for Thanksgiving. I walk away. I say to myself, I DON'T NEED A SNACK. I AM A CHAMPION! I am sitting on the couch watching a movie. I am getting hungrier. The pie is in my head. EAT ME. JUST ONE PIECE. IM TOO BIG FOR 3 KIDS AND YOU. IT'S OK. He has a point. I go in get a plate and cut me a slice. I enjoy this piece of pie. I am in heaven.

I think I must of blacked out because half the pie is missing and there is no note. MY PIE HAS GONE MISSING. I am so sad. I now must either try and find another one, or make one. I think I will wait until it is about 2-3 days out from Thanksgiving. No pie is safe in this house. *sigh*

What are your temptations?!