Friday, May 11, 2012

STATUS consideration

Ok so tonight I will be discussing something about facebook and statuses. I know a person who is having fertility problems. Now someone in her family made a status and it hurt her feelings and made me mad. The status said WTH WAS I THINKIN GETTING PREGNANT AGAIN? Now I know what most will say THAT IS HER FACEBOOK SHE CAN POST WHAT SHE WANTS. True, but there is a little something called respect and consideration of others. I stood up for this person and I got jumped on for sticking up for this person. So, what is everyone's opinion on this?

Should a person be considerate of family and/or friends when making facebook statuses? I believe they should. Your status can be taken many different ways.

And while on the subject, when one person makes this kind of status, should a person comment to stand up for somebody else or just ignore it? I stood up because it hurt my feelings to have this person hurt.

Also, along with this topic, when you give you comment/opinion other people jump in and instantly start cussing, threatening, and telling you to back off. You used CAPS LOCK on me? YOU DID NOT USE THE CAPS LOCK BUTTON ON ME! I SEE YOUR CAPS LOCK AND RAISE YOU SOMETHING WITH GRAMMATICAL ERRORS. Really? Should I be afraid of caps lock? Its not that threatening!! Can a person argue or disagree without cussing, name callling and threats? Or is it that the parents of our generation so lazy and trying so hard to be their child's friend that they allow their kids to disrespect others and act all wild. Once you have a child shouldn't you grow up? Stop the threats, stop the name calling. Well thats all I have for tonight. Comments thoughts?


  1. I do think people should show a little more consideration for others. If you have a family member who is having fertility problems, and you must complain about YOUR pregnancy issue..How about fix that status so that person can't see it. It's not that difficult.

  2. Thank you! I was thinking the same thing when I posted this.

  3. Sometimes you can't just assume that she was meaning it in a bad way. I am assuming she has other children since she said "wth was I thinking when I got pregnant 'again'". When hormones are flaring and you are dealing with other stressors in your life you may have a moment where you are thinking WHAT WAS I THINKING!! It may be a moment that goes away very quickly, and it does not mean that she is upset about being pregnant. I'm sure that she was not meaning it to offend her family member and the fact that she took it badly means that maybe she should delete that person off her facebook. You always have that option as well. I know that regardless of family standing if someone says something I don't like I have the option of removing them from where I can see what they are saying on facebook so it goes both ways. While I was pregnant I had 2 friends going thru fertility treatments and both have had multiple miscarriages. That didn't make them resentful even if I was venting and having a bad day they were very supportive and knew that I never wished for anything else but it was just a bad day.

    I don't think that I should have to worry about what every single person on my friends list is going to think about MY status update. It’s just not reasonable to think that you can please everyone all the time! If you felt so strongly about telling her that it upset you, maybe next time you could send it in a personal message and ask her to explain herself rather than just calling her out on that status update (again I am assuming it was publicly brought up because you said that everyone was jumping all over you about it). With people jumping all over you, you also have to know that it was her friends and family sticking up for her the same way you were sticking up for the person you care about. That whole situation could have been avoided if a personal message was sent. You want someone to be considerate of what they say but you want to state your opinion? I also agree with you though that they shouldn’t name call or threaten. That definitely was not going to help anything. In my opinion both sides of this “situation” were handled poorly.

    1. I wrote her a personal message and her family had emailed me back and was telling me to leave her alone. She commented that she said that because her boyfriend had left her again and she cannot financially support her other 3 kids let alone this one. I agree, you can't always worry about what others would say in a status. You will always offend someone. But in this situation, I just felt hurt that this person was hurt. We are very close.
