Friday, June 29, 2012


I have a facebook. Who doesn't. lol. But a lot of my friends keep posting pictures of quotes, sayings, whatever. There is one quote going around that is not only stupid, but is really starting to get under my skin. This is the quote:
                                                CHEATING IS EASY. WHY NOT TRY
                                              SOMETHING CHALLENGING MORE
                                              CHALLENGING LIKE STAYING FAITHFUL.
I don't understand it. How is staying faithful a challenge? I was watching the movie ENOUGH with Jennifer Lopez. Her husband is a psycho cheating, abusive lunatic. Well in the first 45 minutes maybe less, he is caught cheating. And he says he is a man. And he has needs. And those needs being met will make the relationship better and easier on her(Jennifer). And of course all those cheaters. I LOVE HER/HIM but cheat non stop. Once yes can be a mistake. As, long as you admit it, work on getting past it, and don't repeat the mistake. But repeatedly is just wrong. How can you say you love someone and turn around some odd minutes/hours later and cheat and then repeat. It's a never ending cycle.

I love my husband. We have our differences. That's what makes us, us. If we were exactly alike, and agreed on everything all the time, there would be no fun. If that were the case, I should of married myself. But we argue. And I'm being truthful and some may say no way, but we hardly argue. In the 6 years we have been married we have had a few bad arguements, but I can count on 1 hand how many times that was. We argue, we discuss to work through our problems, and then we try to make the other laugh. One of us will. We know to not ignore it or sweep it under the rug. I love him. He loves me.

So that gets onto love. What is love for you? What made you fall in love with your spouse? What is it that they do that still makes the butterflies fly, the tingles tingles, the knees get weak? For me, its when, we are out to dinner or even sitting in the truck and a beautiful woman will walk past(yes I notice lol) and his eyes will either be on me or straight ahead and he doesn't even realize her. He truly doesn't. Occasionally he glances, he is a man, but he doesn't gawk(except Kate Beckinsale lol). The way he sees me. I used to get so mad at him for not noticing me without make up on. I worked hard to dress nice, notice me dangit lol. But I realized, he still sees me beautiful without makeup. How he can still find me attractive wearing PJs. If I miss his message online(deployment) he will say JUST WANTED TO SAY I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU.

The honest truth thing that got me was, he kisses my nose. He gives me eskimo kisses. I love that. He will kiss my forehead, my nose. He gives eskimo kisses. ESKIMO KISSES. What guy does that? The way, even though he laughs, he holds me to protect me from my fears. I have a lot.

Thats my love. Thats what made me fall in love. That's what keeps me falling in love. He surprises me everyday with what he says and every year. I love him and always. So tell me your story!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Whine here!

Want to Whine? Complain? Just want to chit chat?! Just write a comment below and I will copy and paste it to this section, and add my comment, answer a question or just advice! Have fun!

Monday, June 25, 2012


What is your pain tolerance? What does it take for you to throw in the towel and take medicine? I don't care what the medicine is, this post is about pain. I had my gallbladder removed. It was outpatient so not much damage per say. But it still hurts. I am having some bad reactions. Fluid backed up, a bad reaction to a suture, things like that. But nothing too serious. So anyways, my pain tolerance is pretty high. If I am reaching for medicine its pretty bad. I hate taking medicine, but if I need it I will take it.

I have dealt with kidney stones, twice, both times I was pregnant with my son. I have had gallstones(which lead to the removal of the gallbladder), and I have delivered 3 kids over 8 pounds. I had an epidural with mine, but I was also induced so I had to wait until the contractions and my dilation was to a certain number. Can't remember that number lol. So I have had a lot of practice dealing with pain lol.

I bring this topic up because I am having some pain, but also on mythbusters they did an episode (NO PAIN, NO GAIN) on what sex can handle pain longer, male or females. Of course it was just an ice bath so that didnt really prove anything, but giving birth can. I am just curious as to pain tolerance and what degree does it have to be for you to give in. Any thoughts?

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I have been sick. I am still slightly recovering from surgery. I had laprascopic gallbladder removal. Even though it was minor, the recovery the first week is horrible! I am now able to move around comfortably, and do my regular housework and all that. I am back now and will continue on my posting.

My first post will be about animals. I have a cat. Rusty, we have had him for 2 years. He is an orange tabby. Fixed. He is a loner, but loves attention. He ran away 2 nights ago. Usually when he does(if he manages to get out) he hides in this drainage ditch by our house. Last night he made it back. He was scratching at our back door. Surprised me! My husband was happy he was back of course. Well last night as Im laying to try and fall asleep, he decided to meow and claw everything. (He wanted attention). So I pat my blanket and he jumps up. He is moving and purring, and just won't lay still. I push him down and pet him and he still manages to move. UGH! LAY DOWN CAT! Is all I'm thinking. QUIT MOVING. I know he is thinking YEA PET ME MORE I MOVE MORE. YEA GOT YOU AWAKE NOW!! Ugh. This cat was frustrating me. So I stopped petting him. That bit me in the hand, and my leg. Stupid cat. So I sit him down on the floor.

I finally drift off to sleep. Around 3 am(when the ghost come out to spook people, they are REAL PEOPLE! :P). So around that time, I head a loud bang and I start contemplating on waking my husband or not. I don't. I lay frozen in fear thinking if I don't move they won't find us. I finally decide to get up and check it out. I come downstairs ever so slowly and start thinking of the worst scenarios. I make it to my kitchen. I am so afraid to flip on the switch. But I do it with such a fast motion that you can't see my hand. I look around and see my cat, on my island, knocking things down. I yell at him and he slowly turns gives me this look, the STOP PETTING ME HUH look and slowly jumps off the counter. And I promise you, he swished his hips. Like he won. Stupid cat!!

How many of you have ever had problems with your animals?! I love my cat but he drives me insane! Share your stories with me!