Saturday, May 12, 2012


How many of us can truly say they LOVE housework? I'm pretty good about my housework. I clean it and it stays that way for a whole 9.5 seconds. I have clutter that I want to go through, but if I touch it without my husband knowing, I WILL THROW AWAY SOMETHING IMPORTANT. Direct quote from my husband. If any of you have had this problem, you understand.

My husband is deployed right now. I still clean, but not like I would if he was home. I fold clothes, but they stay in the basket, I do the dishes the next morning. I pick up the toys and dirty clothes the next day as well. I don't mop as much(even though I should.) But my house is still clean.

I heard this woman before. Well read, where she said she straightens up, but she puts a bowl of pinesol somewhere hidden so her husband thinks she did more than she really did. I tried do that. My 2 year old was lemony fresh, even after his bath.

My least favorite housework is the folding. I can start the washer and even switch them over with no problem! Its just the the folding. UGH the folding. And most of my clothes are hung up. Not hard, but it is. I rather just clean my house and keep the kids busy all day outside so it won't get messy again, but thats impossible. Even though my kids drive me insane with the begging and makes me feel like I am a prisoner because of the PLEASE PLEASE I WILL BE GOOD, they want to come in after 5 minutes of play time outside.

I always said I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL MY KIDS GET OLDER TO DO THE HOUSEWORK. Its a famous quote that has been around, but in all actuality, I don't want them to help. They might make it worse or turn all our whites pink or whatever color. You can teach separate the clothes, but doesn't mean they will listen.

I have found some interesting ways to get them to help clean, along with some I made up. I will make a blog under ~*~Crafty~*~ for these items. So keep an eye! In the meantime, what are your ways of cleaning? Worst chore? Do your kids help? How do you get them to help? I will check back for ideas!!


  1. I absolutely hate housework. I do it because I have too. However, I love folding fresh out of the dryer laundry. I look forward to finding out your tricks to getting the kiddos to help. =)

  2. Hey Stephanie check out this link I did but it got lost with the others lol.
